Sunday, May 16, 2010

Even in my dream

Damn it, now lifting has even permeated into my dreams. It's probabyl caused by the fact that someone mentioned deadlifting in their facebook status yesterday.

So I am at a meet (I do not recognize the venue- it's kind of a mix of the setup at about 4 meets). We are starting deadlift- for some reason I have pants on over my lifting suit (which I never do. Others do quite often). I'm really not paying attention, but suddenly I am in the hole. Wonderful. For some reason I had to take my shoes off to get my pants off. And it is taking me forever to get this accomplished. I am on deck when I finally get my pants off, but I took my socks off too in the process (knee lengths socks are required for deadlift in meets). So I am trying to get my socks back on when they call the bar loaded for me. At that point I have 1 minute to begin my lift. I cannot get my damn shoes on for some reason. The refs can see the prep area where I am sitting, and it's apparentl a local meet I am at because all the refs were from around here. I keep trying and trying but I cannot get my shoes on in time so I have too take a scratch.

For some reason, when it comes around to my second attempt, I still don't have my shoes on. What the fuck. I do manage to get that one pulled at the last minute, but I didn't have my socks on. The judges apparently didn't care because they passed the lift and others were lifting without socks (this happens a lot at meets with newer lifters, but the refs all know me and know I have been to international meets and know the rules quite well). I don't believe my shoes are tied either.

Friday, May 14, 2010


Sorry to all you suckers that have me on blogroll. I have been slackeriffic.

I have done quite well this week. On Tuesday I did an hour of cardio (total of about 6 miles), Wednesday a half hour (around 2 1/2 miles), Thursday off, and today an hour (7.25 miles).

Post workout my weight was 216.6 (whoops- let that get away from me a bit). Right now my current goal is to get down under 200. I am not allowed to touch weights until then. Grrr- I want to play with the weights damn it!

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Guess what I found today?

The gym. (Considering it's 7 blocks from my house it is sad that I couldn't find it for 6 months. That's right. It's been 6 months since I set foot in the gym. And I pay by the year. There's money I'll never see again.)

I reupped for another year today (I get reibursed 50% for the first $400 of gym membership fees but they only pay out once a rolling calendar year). Naturally I hung around. Decided to do a few lght weights to remind my body what we were about to embark on. I did 2 sets of squats with the freaking bar (10 and 15 reps) and my legs were jello. My quads were knotting up a bit. Nice.

Two quick sets of bench press with the bar (not so bad), shoulder press with 30 then 20 pounds, and 25 reps on the ab machine.

Then the real fun started. Hit the treadmill for a half hour and 1.65 miles. Then the elliptical for another half hour for 2.85 miles. That is 4.5 freaking miles. I am going to hurt tomorrow.

In other news, I think I am going to quit Weight Watchers. While I learned a lot from it and it was very benficial, I think it has lost it's shine for me. It's getting to the point where I either get too nuts on it or give up 2 days into the week because I destroyed my points for the week by that point. I have nothing against the program, it just isn't a good fit for me anymore.

Monday, January 18, 2010

I blame you Clomid

and your little friends Novarel and Prometrium.

3 freaking pounds. I gained three God damned pounds this last week. What the fucking shit man. While I wasn't perfect, I wasn't that bad.

The reason for the blame? I couldn't even suck my gut in the morning far enough to see my pubes (normally I only have to push the boobs out of the way for this). Not effing funny. I was getting ready for work and J started joking about how he should keep me home in my skin tight pants. He shut up pretty quickly when I told him I bought them a month ago and they were almost falling off me.

For the love of everything holy, let this be my motivation to actually do what I keep saying I am going to do.

I am going to reweigh in a couple days other wise Weight Watchers will yell at me when I lose 5 lbs in a week.

Monday, January 4, 2010

My scale is a fucking liar.

And oh how I wish that lie would have been true. My initial weight this morning was 199.4. I was almost giddy- under 200! Woo hoo!

Then I stepped off and it didn't zero correctly. Fearing scale wonkiness, I stepped back on.


Much more realistic. That reminds me, I need to plug in the batteries so I have some freah ones for it.

The plus side of all this- it actually served as a little motivation to get me going again. Now if I would actually follow through for once, we will be set!

Monday, November 23, 2009

But I played ass loads of volleyball yesterday.

Surely that should have led to some weight loss. But no. 206. Not much of a gain, but not what I was expecting.

And it's all in the waist- up one inch. Crap. Explains why my pants were tighter. Though my boobs attempted to make up that difference- they are down 3/4".

I don't think Thanksgiving is going to help much either. Sigh. I suppose I will try to keep things under control. Such a pain.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

::sticks out tongue::

I'm too damn tired to do measurements today. I think I'll start doing them on weigh days from now on.